In OshSU, the Day of Programmers was celebrated

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In OshSU, the Day of Programmers was celebrated


The OshSU Higher School of International Education Programs observed Day of Programmers on September 13. On the occasion of the holiday, an Olympiad was organized among programmers studying at OshSU.

Director of the Higher School of International Education Programs D. Tursunov, Head of the Department of Integration of Turkic-speaking States N. Arkabaev, teachers, students participated. Proud graduate of OshSU, head of "Program Manager" company T. Umarov, Director of BESOFT TEACH IT Academy B. The Tajibayevs were invited as guests.

The Olympiad held on the online platform. Students that were interested in participating registered in advance and then performed the Olympiad's assignments online. As a result, the winners were chosen by computer.

The Olympiad's primary sponsor, BESOFT TEACH IT Academy, presented prizes to the students who placed first.

The event's goals are to introduce students to new programs created to meet contemporary problems and pique their interest in programming.

The Day of the Programmer is a professional day that is celebrated on the 256th (hexadecimal 100th, or the 28th) day of each year (September 13 during common years and on September 12 in leap years).



