12 students from Batken region continue their education

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12 students from Batken region continue their education


Children who were evacuated from the bordering with Tajikistan villages in the Batken region are temporarily continuing their study at the “Bilim” lyceum of Osh State University. Teachers from the “Bilim” lyceum have already met with parents to assure them that they will support their efforts to have their children study alongside lyceum pupils. Beginning on September 19, five pupils entered the fifth grade, two entered the sixth, three entered the seventh, and one entered each of the eighth and ninth grades.

"Under the university’s proposition we are now educating kids from Batken. Participation in them is free, and students were provided with educational materials by the lyceum community. We organized it so that the children could continue their studies without interruption and spend the day meaningfully making friends with the students. Now they are interested and actively participating. In addition, the “Be kind” action was organized on the initiative of our students,” said Joogazyn Bolusheva, director of the “Bilim” lyceum.

Osh State University has 4 gymnasiums, 1 lyceum, and 1 primary education center. Experienced teachers of schools and gymnasiums of OshSU teach foreign languages, humanitarian, and sciences in depth together with the state language.
