OshSU and North-West State Medical University signed a memorandum

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OshSU and North-West State Medical University signed a memorandum


Chairman of the professional union of OshSU, docent of the department of histology and pathology of the Faculty of Medicine A. Sattarov, associate professor of normal and topographical anatomy B. S. Keneshbaev, head of the Department of Normal Anatomy, Histology and Physiology of the Faculty of International Medicine Joldubaev took part in the scientific-practical conference "Issues of the morphology of the 21st century: innovative technologies in research, diagnostics and teaching" held at the North-West State Medical University named after Mechnikov in St.Petersburg.

The delegation signed the memorandum and met with the university administration during their visit. The agreement covers educational initiatives, academic mobility for teachers and students, scientific research, guest lectures, inviting renowned experts to conduct workshops, exchanging curricula, carrying out scientific projects, organizing conferences, seminars, and roundtable discussions.

