14 OshSU students are studying at Cumhuriyet University

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14 OshSU students are studying at Cumhuriyet University


Nine students from the Faculty of Medicine, World Languages and Culture, Mathematics and Information Technologies, and International Relations of OshSU continue their education in the autumn semester at Cumhuriyet University in Sivas, Turkey, for the 2022–2023 academic year. Additionally, 5 students from the higher school for international educational programs are enrolled in the aforementioned university. There are now 14 students participating in the academic mobility program. In the university's medical clinic, students of the Medical Faculty hone their practical abilities.

Through the "Erasmus+" program, OshSU and Cumhuriyet University have been collaborating since 2015. The rector of OshSU during his visit to Turkey in 2020 inked a bilateral cooperation agreement with the rector of Cumhuriyet University.

