Kyrgyz language is the language beyond time

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Kyrgyz language is the language beyond time


An event called “Immortal Kyrgyz Language” was held at the Industrial and Pedagogical College. Mastura Sharipova, Osh State University’s vice-rector for state language and social affairs, as well as members of the college’s faculty and students, attended. The Kyrgyz language was praised with songs, dances, and stage performances at the event. As a result, the results of the essays contest “The pearl of nomad life” held among the students in order to recognize the national language, were announced to the students.

A 3-month announcement was made in connection with the 33rd anniversary of the adoption of the State Language Law at the OshSU. So far, students have been given the projects “New information technologies and the state language” and competitions using the Kahoot program based on the book “Teaching and didactic tasks”.

The event was organized within the framework of a month announced in accordance with the order of the Cabinet of Ministers.
