85 new schools across the country will be commissioned by the end of the year

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85 new schools across the country will be commissioned by the end of the year


85 additional schools will be operating throughout the country by the end of the year. This was stated by the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Akylbek Japarov in his speech at the general meeting of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic.

“Today, there are 1 million 407 thousand schoolchildren across the republic. To meet the needs of the education system, it is necessary to build about 25 schools every year. Currently, 261 educational facilities, including 133 emergency schools, are under construction. By the end of this year, 85 new schools will be commissioned” he said.

The chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers also stated that starting now, the Kyrgyz Republic’s Ministry of Education and Science will directly execute the policy in the area of identifying the needs of the regions for the development of educational institutions.

“The lack of general education schools was a big problem in Bishkek. The President of the Kyrgyz Republic has set the task of finishing the construction of 15 schools and 1 kindergarten by the fall of this year. A total of 3 billion soms—2.5 billion from the state budget, 450 million from the city budget—were allotted for this purpose. Only 9 schools were established in Bishkek over the previous ten years, but this year, 17 schools were built, 15 of which were built using republican and local budgets, and two schools were built using donor organization funds” Akylbek Japarov remarked.