The director of the foreign affairs’ department participated in "Innovator-2022"

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The director of the foreign affairs’ department participated in "Innovator-2022"


The international youth scientific and educational forum "Innovator-2022" was conducted in Belarus' Baranovichi State University. The forum was opened by Alexander Unsovich, rector of BarMU. He expressed gratitude to partner organizations and higher education institutions for their cooperative efforts and stressed the value of encouraging young people to develop their professional, social, and personal qualities by getting involved in university research, coming up with their own ideas, and testing those ideas out in the real world.

The director of the department of foreign affairs, Abdygany Abduvaliyev, spoke on behalf of OshSU and emphasized the value and efficacy of such initiatives. Additionally, he stated that OshSU has established business incubators with the intention of fostering entrepreneurship, growing the creative economy, and launching start-ups among young people.

The forum featured more than 500 young scientists and students from 24 higher education institutions in Belarus and Russia.

