Discussion on improving the methodology and technology of teaching the state language

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Discussion on improving the methodology and technology of teaching the state language


A discussion titled “Improving the methodology and technology of teaching the state language” was conducted at the Kyrgyz-Turkish Friendship School-Lyceum No. 52 in Osh. Teachers of the Kyrgyz language from all schools, colleges, and universities in Osh, Jalal-Abad, and Batken took part in the activity. The meeting was arranged by Osh State University, Osh City Education Department, and the Ministry of Education and Science.

“This gathering was planned so that people could share knowledge and get guidance. The discussion’s framework included the organization of 2 exhibitions. The first is an electronic exhibition, where a dynamic teacher gave a 3-minute presentation to the class. The second one includes visual aids used during lessons as well as the primary works of educators and researchers who have spent the last five years studying how to teach the Kyrgyz language. A resolution was passed as a result of the meeting. It covers topics like how to improve Kyrgyz language proficiency and what new technology would be used”, said Mastura Sharipova, Vice-Rector for State Language and Social Affairs of OshSU.
