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In Kyrgyzstan, 32 thousand 794 students study in vocational lyceums, 92 thousand 870 students in secondary vocational schools, and 213 thousand 394 students in higher educational institutions.

A total of 32,794 students study in vocational lyceums. In Chui region - 6 thousand 289, in Bishkek city - 6 thousand 111, in Jalal-Abad region - 5 thousand 502, in Batken region - 4 thousand 030, in Naryn region - 3 thousand 329, in Issyk-Kul region - 3 thousand 048, in Osh city - 1929, Osh and Talas regions - 1278 students.

Most of the students of higher and secondary vocational schools study in "education", "health care" and "economy" specialties.

A total of 92 thousand 870 students study in secondary vocational schools. "Health care" - 18 thousand 979, "education" - 18 thousand 38, "economy" - 12 thousand 832, "computer technologies" - 11 thousand 58, "law" - 6 thousand 642, "transport" - 4 thousand 179, "energy" - 3 thousand 83, "humanities" - 2 thousand 869, "construction" - 2 thousand 573, "agriculture" - 1968, "industry (light, food, processing, machine building, etc.) b.)” - 1817, “design” — 1577, “mining industry” — 1566, “management” — 1460, “tourism” — 1422, “culture and art” — 1318, “security” — 467, “ communication" — 436, "service environment" — 249, "location" — 217, "ecology" — 120 students study.

A total of 231 thousand 394 students study in higher educational institutions. "Education" - 60 thousand 715, "health care" - 39 thousand 851, "economy" - 28 thousand 441, "humanities" - 21 thousand 150, "jurisprudence and law" - 17 thousand 970, "computer technologies" - 15 341 thousand, "management" - 9 thousand 276, "industry (light, food, processing, chemical, mechanical engineering, etc.)" - 5 thousand 570, "construction" - 5 thousand 435, "energy" - 5 thousand 318, "transport" - 4 thousand 196, "mining industry" - 3 thousand 912, "agriculture" - 3 thousand 937, "culture and art" - 2 thousand 799, "tourism" - 2 thousand 18, "technosphere security" - 1304, "natural sciences" - 1372, "communication" - 1028, "ecology" - 869, "physical and mathematical sciences" - 623, "military education" - 269 students.