Three tasks to achieve the goal of the education system by 2040

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Three tasks to achieve the goal of the education system by 2040


On December 6-7, employees of the Ministry of Education and Science, representatives of international and public organizations, experts discuss equal access, quality, funding, digitalization of education and teacher development as part of the Education Sector.

In the Program for the Development of Education in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2021-2040, the goal of the education system is the formation of creative and healthy human potential, freely adaptable and able to change the mobile social and economic environment by integrating the resources and capabilities of the state and society, as well as modernizing the management system.

In a discussion with the participants, the head of the strategic planning, monitoring and analysis department, Evgenia Boyko, said that in order to achieve the stated goal, three main tasks must be solved at all levels of education:

Ensuring fair, equal access;

Ensuring the quality of education;

Effective management and financing.

Thus, fair, equal access includes education coverage, inclusiveness, multilingualism, safe learning environment.

Quality assurance is based on the modernization of content; digitalization; continuous professional development of teachers, objective monitoring and evaluation of results, high-quality teaching materials.

Efficient management and financing require effective use of human resources, ensuring a systematic approach, a transition to the normative allocation of funds and greater independence of organizations in the use of resources, monitoring results, automation of the management system.