Rector’s congratulation on the Day of Television and Radio Workers

Main News

Rector’s congratulation on the Day of Television and Radio Workers


I congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of Television and Radio Workers of the Kyrgyz Republiс on behalf of myself and the entire Osh State University community.

In the era of advanced technology, it is impossible to imagine our life without media that influences all state-level changes. Everyone is aware of how the media serves to both reflect and convey popular opinion to the relevant authorities. You are making a significant contribution to reflecting the economic, social, and cultural life of the country.

In Kyrgyzstan, the TV studio "Umut" of Osh State University is renowned as a primary school for those who work in TV journalism.

The "Umut" TV studio is outfitted with contemporary technology today. Here, the necessary conditions are created for students, to realize their creative potential, and acquire professional experience. Students and aspiring journalists make extensive use of the TV studio's capabilities to learn the fundamentals of TV journalism. This can be regarded as our contribution to the training of TV journalists. I'm pleased to see that our graduates are currently producing fruitful work among professional journalists.

We see in you a powerful force guiding the aspirations and vitality of millions of individuals toward the establishment and steady growth of the country. The country needs assistance during this challenging stage of growth. We must create a wealthy Kyrgyzstan together in peace, harmony, and unification. And in this important mission radio and television also hold a respectable position.

Dear radio and television workers, I wish you health, family happiness, creative success, and the well-deserved admiration of people.


Rector of Osh State University, Professor Kudaiberdi Kozhobekov

