Brain-ring contest among foreign students

Main News

Brain-ring contest among foreign students


The department of work with foreign citizens and consular services of Osh State University hosted a brain-ring contest called "Foreign Migration, Visa Concerns" among foreign students of the university. In the two-round intellectual competition, there were 7 teams each of them icludes 6 students.


The "Union" team from the Faculty of World Languages and Culture won the competition, the "Psychologist" team from the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology took second place and the "Budapest" team from the Faculty of Medicine won the third. The competitors were also granted the nominations "Erudious team - Sixth sense", "Cohesive and united team", "Intellectuals" and "Best player". Letters of thanks were given to the lecturers who prepared and led the teams.


The intellectual competition was held to increase international students' knowledge of visas, international migration, Osh City, and the university, to foster friendships among students, to stimulate their research, and to activate the supervisors' close collaboration with them.




