5 finalists in the start-up project competition

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5 finalists in the start-up project competition


The Youth Business Park of OshSU hosted a five day training. Along with the coureses, tours to the companies and institutions in Osh were organized. The students spent the week developing their business plans and on the last day they made presentaions on their projects. Five candidates were chosen as a consequence of the pitching. Each of them will be given grants total $2,000.


1. Turdubayeva Ayturgan, the Faculty of Arts

2. Bekmamatova Asylgul, the Faculty of Education and Psychology

3. Erkin kyzy Aizada, the Faculty of Arts

4. Professor Tursunkulov Baizak, MIT

5. Nurlan Kyzy Aisuluu, the Faculty of Arts

The Youth Entrepreneurship Development Program is implemented by the Osh State University Youth Business Park with the support of the Aga Khan Foundation and USAID.





