Student choirs of Osh State University won the national competition

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Student choirs of Osh State University won the national competition


In honor of the 105th anniversary of the first choirmaster Sultan Yusupov, the People’s Artist of the Kyrgyz SSR, Bishkek staged a gala concert and awards ceremony for the winners of the II Republican competition of student choirs on May 24.

Edil Baisalov, the vice chairman of the cabinet of ministers, and Altynbek Maksutov, the minister of culture, information, sports, and youth policy, also attended the event.

Two teams from the Faculty of Arts at Osh State University performed songs by Kyrgyz and international composers as part of one of the 12 student choirs, totaling roughly 600 members from seven different regions and two cities in our country.

According to the festival-competition results, the choir from Osh State University’s Faculty of Arts Department of Performance on Folk Musical Instruments and Singing won first place, and the choir from the Faculty of Arts Department of Methods of Musical Education, Theory, and Choral Conducting came in third. The winning teams received diplomas and certificates for monetary prizes of 100,000 and 60,000 soms, respectively.

Rahmatilla Ormonov received 5,000 soms for the best performance of a new song, and Kanyshay Sagymbayeva received 10,000 soms for best choirmaster.

The creative team leaders Zhenish Moidunov, Rakhmatilla Ormonov, Kanyshai Sagymbaeva, and Ashim Maksutov deserve special recognition because it was under their direction that the student choirs at Osh State University attained the greatest rankings on a national level.

