For the International Day of Yoga

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For the International Day of Yoga


Today, June 9, 2023, OshSU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs Zamirbek Bojonov and Chairman of the Trade Union Committee Absamat Sattarov met with the Second Secretary of the Embassy of India in Kyrgyzstan, Mr. Rajesh Kumar.

The parties discussed issues related to the preparation of the International Yoga Day in Osh.

By tradition, this holiday is held in Osh together with the Embassy of India in the Kyrgyz Republic, the Osh Mayor's Office and Osh State University.

The holiday program includes presentations of the YogaMama center, dance and music performance of the OshSU Indian students, Kyrgyz national cuisine exhibition, and presentation of certificates.

The event is scheduled for June 21, at the central city stadium.
