Osh State University delegation at Sivas Zhumhuriyet University

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Osh State University delegation at Sivas Zhumhuriyet University


The Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Osh State University Zamirbek Bojonov and the accompanying delegation is visiting Sivas Cumhuriyet University in Turkey.

The delegation was received by the Rector of Sivas Zhumhuriyet University, Professor Alim Yıldız, and exchanged views on cooperation between the two universities. They also got information about the structures of Sivas Zhumhuriyet University, teaching methods, research, methods of using credit technology.  Андан сырткары студенттердин жана окутуучулук курамдын алмашуу программалары боюнча ар бир жетекчилик менен өз ара келишимдерди түзүү иштери боюнча макулдашуулар күтүлүүдө.

Since 2015, Osh State University has been cooperating with Sivas Zhumhuriyet University through the Erasmus + program.
