The activities of dissertation councils

Research Activity of dissertation councils

The activities of dissertation councils


Currently (in 2023) at Osh State University, with the permission of the National Attestation Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic, 9 Dissertation Councils are organized at the university to defend candidate and doctoral theses in 27 specialties of science.

D 02.21.629


Osh State University, Chemistry and Phytotechnology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic


02.00.01 – inorganic chemistry

D - chemical

02.00.03 – organic chemistry

D - chemical

05.16.08 – nanotechnologies. Nanostructured materials

K - chemical

D 14.21.630

Osh State University, National Phthisiology Center

14.01.21 – phthisiology

D - medical

14.01.21 – hematology

K- medical

14.01.22 – rheumatology

К – medical

 D 14.21.632

Osh State University, I.K Ahunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy

14.03.01 – human anatomy

D - medical

14.03.02 – pathological anatomy

К – medical

03.03.04 – cellular biology, cytology, histology

К – medical



 D 25.21.634

 Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabayev, Osh State University

25.00.24 – economic, social, political and recreational geography

D - geographical


25.00.36 – geoecology

D - geographical

 D 05.21.641

Institute of Mechanical Science and Automation of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Osh State University

05.14.08 – basic energy devices of renewable energy sources

D - technical

05.14.02 – power plants and power systems

K - technical

05.09.01 – electromechanics and electrical devices

K - technical

К 10.22.648

Osh State University and Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University

10.02.01 – Kyrgyz language

K - philological

10.02.20 - comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistic

K - philological


D 05.22.651

Osh State University

05.17.06 - technology and processing of polymers and composites

K - technical

01.01.02 – differential equations, dynamic systems and optimal control

K - physical and mathematical


01.01.04 - geometry and topology

K - physical and mathematical

01.01.07 – calculation mathematics

K - physical and mathematical

К 08.22.656

Osh State University

08.00.05 – economics and management of national economy

K - economics

08.00.12 Accounting, statistics

K - economics

D 06.23.663

Osh State University, Osh Technological University

06.01.07 - plant protection

D - biological

03.02.08 - ecology

K - biological

03.02.05 - entomology

K - biological

06.01.09 - crop cultivation

K - biological

06.03.02 - forestry science, regulation of forestry and forest taxation

K - biological