OshSU invites construction companies to participate in monitoring the construction of “Medical Clinic of OshSU”

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OshSU invites construction companies to participate in monitoring the construction of “Medical Clinic of OshSU”


Osh State University invites construction companies to participate in monitoring the market of construction companies for building of the “Medical Clinic of Osh State University”.

The deadline for submitting proposals on paper is 15 working days from the date of publication of the announcement. Submitting address: Osh city, Lenin St., 331 (Zamir PusurTegin, Planning and Finance Department, e-mail: zpusurov@oshsu.kg, 0552157415). Documents received after the deadline won’t be accepted.

For more information:

ОшМУ курулуш компанияларын «ОшМУнун медициналык клиникасынын» курулушу боюнча мониторинг жүргүзүүгө катышууга чакырат