The Minister met with Peace Corps volunteers

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The Minister met with Peace Corps volunteers


Peace Corps volunteers and Almazbek Beyshenaliev, minister of education and science, met today, August 4.

To join the corps, 11 directors, 11 teachers, and 11 volunteers traveled to Kyrgyzstan from the USA.

The minister revealed during the meeting that more than 1,000 volunteers have served with the Peace Corps in Kyrgyzstan during the previous 30 years.

"I commend the volunteers for their efforts in a new path and for coming to our nation with a strong sense of faith. Earlier, numerous generations of volunteers who worked in the nation carried out effective initiatives for teacher preparation and youth development. Additionally, they supported the development of more than 100,000 individuals' English language proficiency, management, and leadership skills, "Almazbek Beyshenaliev added.

According to a 1992 agreement, Peace Corps volunteers are invited to operate in the Kyrgyz Republic by the local administration. In order to boost the number of volunteers, the Ministry and the Corps are currently working on this.
