Regional Seminar on "Current Issues in Mathematics and Their Practical Implications" at Jalal-Abad State University

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Regional Seminar on "Current Issues in Mathematics and Their Practical Implications" at Jalal-Abad State University


On March 2nd, at Jalal-Abad State University a regional seminar for mathematicians titled “Current Issues in Mathematics and Their Practical Implications” took place.

Professors from universities in the southern region of Kyrgyzstan participated in the seminar.

Under the guidance of Professor Kurmanbek Alybaev, senior lecturers from the Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling at ZhASU, Mairamgul Nurmatova and Nazgul Musakulova, presented thematic reports.

This seminar was established by Professor K. Alymkulov in 2008 and is held once a month. The seminar aims to discuss the scientific findings of graduate students, young scientists, and doctoral candidates, and to develop recommendations.
