An intellectual game “Akyl Ordo” was held at Osh State University in pedagogical disciplines under the title “Creative and competent student.” The event was opened by the director of the department of secondary vocational education of Osh State University Mamazhakyp uulu Chyngyzbek.
The game was attended by 7 teams made up of 2nd year students of pedagogical specialties of Osh State University and the University of Economics and Pedagogy of Uzbekistan.
The judges were the director of the Osh regional lyceum for gifted children named after U. Salieva Zhamal Ubaydullaeva, associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the University of Economics and Pedagogy of Uzbekistan Nigora Valikhanova, associate professor of Osh State University Adylbek Batyraliev. Students competed in tasks such as greetings, answering Quiz test questions, getting out of a teaching situation.
As a result, the student teams were awarded diplomas of 1,2,3 degrees. The Kyrgyz philology team “Tilimmen” won in the “Creative and Competent Student” nomination.