Jordanian Delegation Visits Osh State University

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Jordanian Delegation Visits Osh State University


A delegation from Jordan visited Osh State University today, comprising representatives from the Ministry of Social Development, the Community Development Center, the National Association for Strengthening Families, the Holy Rock Association, and the Women’s Charity Association “Gerasia”. Upon arrival, the guests were welcomed with a performance by OshSU’s folklore ensemble of national instruments.

The meeting was attended by university leadership, including the rector, Kudaiberdi Kozhobekov. During the event, the visitors were shown a video presentation about the university, after which Rector Kudaiberdi Kozhobekov highlighted the university’s various activities, particularly in the area of adult education.

Associate Professor T. Dzhoroev gave a presentation titled “Adult Education at OshSU”, outlining the university’s efforts in this field. The discussion focused on collaboration in adult education, helping individuals adapt to evolving conditions, acquire new knowledge and skills, and realize their potential. In Kyrgyzstan, as in many other countries, adult education forms part of the lifelong learning system, ensuring access to education throughout life.

It was also noted that Kyrgyzstan has updated its educational legislation, formally introducing the concept of lifelong education. Both sides expressed a strong interest in continuing and expanding their cooperation in this area.
