OshSU hosts the scientific conference as part of the Traditional Music Week

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OshSU hosts the scientific conference as part of the Traditional Music Week


In the age of globalization, an event called "Traditional Music Week" is being organized at OshSU with the goal of uniting the keepers of the traditional music art and preserving, developing, and disseminating the professional musical art of oral heritage.

Prominent members of the Kyrgyz culture Samara Toktakunova, Tugolbai Kazakov, Sulaiman Kayipov, Tabildy Aktanov,  Roza Amanova,  Rysbai Isakov, cultural figures, poets, Deputy Minister of Culture, Information, Sports, and Youth Policy Kairat Imanaliev, OshSU vice-rector for educational affairs Zamirbek Bozhonov, students, lecturers, and traditional music lovers attended the event.

The scientific-practical conference titled "Traditional culture and art research issues" was organized at the event.

A gala concert of cultural figures will be held today, April 24, at the R. Abdykadyrov regional philharmonic hall in Osh as part of the Traditional Music Week.

The Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports, and Youth Policy, the "Kyrgyz Traditional Music" Foundation, and the Kyrgyz National Theater "Manas" co-host the weekly event.
