A project to reduce air pollution in Kyrgyzstan was discussed

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A project to reduce air pollution in Kyrgyzstan was discussed


A delegation led by Nobutoshi Nawa, an associate professor at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University in Japan, visited Osh State University and met with the Rector, Kudayberdi Kozhobekov, and other members of the university's administration.

The sides discussed the ongoing collaborative project between the Tokyo Medical and Dental University and Osh State University, which is focused on the development of an air pollution assessment system based on satellite data and regional chemical transport modeling and air pollution research.

As part of the project, a new scientific center known as the "Infrared Atmospheric Composition and Atmospheric Pollution System" (IRCAPS) is being established at Osh State University. Tokyo Medical and Dental University will provide training to the staff of Osh State University to operate and maintain the devices of the center effectively.

To expand the geographical coverage of data collection, instruments for measuring atmospheric composition and air quality will be purchased and installed in Osh, Bishkek, and other regions.










