Accreditation Process Undertaken Across 15 Professional Fields

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Accreditation Process Undertaken Across 15 Professional Fields


On May 7-8, 2024, the Agency for the Accreditation of Educational Programs and Organizations (AAEPO) conducted the process of accreditation of educational programs of secondary vocational education, bachelor’s, specialist and master’s degrees at Osh State University.

The accreditation process included educational programs in only 15 areas: secondary vocational education - treatment, obstetrics, pharmacy (Uzgen International Medical College), nursing, orthopedic dentistry, laboratory diagnostics, obstetrics, pharmacy, nursing (Osh Medical College), theology, law enforcement work (Finance and Law College); Bachelor’s degree - agronomy; specialty - forensic examination; Master’s - physical education and sports, theology.

Professional Lyceum No. 12 of Osh State University also passed institutional and program accreditation. Program accreditation of Vocational Lyceum No. 12 took place in the following areas: Installer of sanitary and ventilation systems and equipment; Electrical and gas welder, seamstress and tailor, hairdresser and make-up artist, electric and gas welder, sewing and sewing equipment operator, cook and pastry chef.

The Accreditation and Licensing Sector of the Department of Strategic Planning for the Development of Quality Education, Scientific Research and Innovation has fully implemented the requirements for the accreditation procedure of the Agency for the Accreditation of Educational Programs and Organizations (AAEPO).

