Supervisory Board Discussed Important University Matters

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Supervisory Board Discussed Important University Matters


A routine session of the Osh State University’s Supervisory Board was convened on May 11, 2024. Discussions during the meeting revolved around various initiatives in light of the university’s upcoming 85th anniversary celebration. Plans included the procurement of 1000 computers for students and staff, the acquisition of a spacious multidisciplinary hall (20.5m x 28.5m), installation of solar power systems for two educational buildings No. 1 and No. 15 of the university, among other matters. Notably, arrangements were made for the commemorative event featuring Kyrgyz pop stars and over 400 dancers on May 31, 2024. Decisions pertinent to the anniversary festivities were duly deliberated and finalized. Rector Kozhobekov K.G. provided insights into the forthcoming anniversary celebrations and updated the board on ongoing endeavors.
