Professor Abdykerim Muratov Recognized as Honorary Professor by Osh State University

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Professor Abdykerim Muratov Recognized as Honorary Professor by Osh State University


A ceremony was held at Osh State University to award the title “Honorary Professor of Osh State University” to the famous graduate of Osh State University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Kyrgyz State University named after Arabaev, teacher, writer, journalist and publicist Abdykerim Muratov.

“The reputation of the university, its quality indicators, and recognition are determined by its graduates. We are always proud of our famous graduates. You always cooperate with the university, share your advice and warm reviews about the university. We thank you for your contribution to increasing the scientific potential and supporting young scientists of Osh State University,” noted Rector Kudaiberdi Kozhobekov in his speech.

The participants were shown a video clip about the life and work of Professor Abdykerim Muratov, and biographical scenic pictures.

The event was attended and delivered by the head of the department of the Kyrgyz-Turkish University “Manas”, Professor Burul Sagynbaeva, head of the department of Kyrgyz language and teaching technology of Kyrgyz State University named after Arabaev, Professor Raikan Abdulaeva, deputy director of the public fund “Kyrgyzstan-Maarif”, Professor Kyalbek Akmatov, dean of the Faculty of Kyrgyz Philology of Osh State University, Associate Professor Nurmamat Turganbaev, and students.

In turn, Professor Adykerim Muratov made a report “Barpy’s writings in the context of oriental poetry” (on the occasion of the 140th anniversary of akyn Barpy Alykulov).

Professor A. Muratov graduated from Osh State Pedagogical University in 1976. In 1979-1980 he worked at the Faculty of Philology of the Osh State Pedagogical University. He is the author of works on literary criticism, pedagogy, and methods of teaching literature. Under his scientific supervision, 4 doctoral and 17 candidate dissertations were defended.
