International Forum on Sustainable Regional Development is being Held at OshSU

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International Forum on Sustainable Regional Development is being Held at OshSU

Currently, for the first time in the city of Osh, an international forum on sustainable regional development titled "Interaction of Business, Education, Science, and Government – New Opportunities and Pathways for Regional Development" is taking place. The forum was opened by the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic, Head of the Presidential Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic, Akylbek Zhaparov. On behalf of President Sadyr Japarov, he congratulated OshSU on its 85th anniversary, recognizing it as a center of education and science, and noted that the organized forum will be a catalyst for the country's development.

Akylbek Zhaparov highlighted the contributions of three rectors to the development of OshSU to its current level. These include former deputy of the Jogorku Kenesh, academician Bektemir Murzubraimov, the late Kanibek Isakov, who worked productively as the Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, and the current rector, Professor Kudaiberdi Kozhobekov.

On the occasion of the university's 85th anniversary, honorary certificates from the Cabinet of Ministers and the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic were awarded to employees distinguished in the field of education and science. Minister Dogdurkul Kendirbaeva spoke at the forum about the directions of the "Altyn Kazyk" education transformation program. She stated that with the implementation of the 12-year education model, problematic issues in the education sector would be resolved and noted that special responsibilities would be placed on pedagogical universities.

The forum is attended by leaders, ministers, deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh, representatives of local authorities, media representatives, heads of institutions and organizations, and distinguished OshSU alumni working in various fields.

Panel sessions of the forum will continue this afternoon in the building of the International Medicine Faculty on the Ak-Buura campus. The panel session will discuss issues related to the unification of initiatives from the scientific and business communities, and government and local authorities, affecting the socio-economic development of regions.

Today, May 31, the 85th anniversary of OshSU is being celebrated. As part of the anniversary, the "Future Generation Hub" center was opened. The exhibition also features the participation of 67 domestic business companies and business representatives from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, China, and Turkey.


