The celebration of the 85th anniversary of Osh State University ended with a big show concert

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The celebration of the 85th anniversary of Osh State University ended with a big show concert


The 85th-anniversary celebration of Osh State University concluded with a grand show and concert at Suyunbaev Central Stadium. The President of Kyrgyzstan, Sadyr Japarov, conveyed his congratulatory message through the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers and Honorary Professor of Osh State University, Akylbek Japarov. The President’s message highlighted Osh State University’s leadership among national universities, noting its graduates’ significant contributions to public service, economics, and culture both domestically and internationally.

Emphasizing the urgent need for reforms in the education system, the President mentioned that Osh State University, along with four other leading universities, has been granted special status. Osh State University’s early adoption of e-learning and digitalization, as well as its innovative education-science-production-commercialization system, were particularly commended. The President expressed confidence that the university’s faculty and students would continue to achieve new milestones.

The event was graced by notable attendees, including Akylbek Japarov, the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers and Honorary Professor of Osh State University, the Minister of Education and Science, deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh, local authority leaders, and heads of partner universities from various countries including Japan, China, Poland, Russia, the Czech Republic, Saudi Arabia, Korea, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan. Public figures, scientists, university alumni, business representatives, media personnel, and the general public also participated.

The celebration featured videos showcasing the university’s diverse activities and accomplishments, along with a theatrical performance highlighting key moments in its history and development. The evening’s entertainment included performances by renowned Kyrgyz pop stars such as Kerim Turapov, Bek Borbiev, Malika Dina, Baktiyar Toktorov, Zhiydesh Idirisova, Zamir Myrza, Sultan Sadyraliev, JAX, Freeman 996, and the PPTV group.

A new anthem, “Osh State University: Beacon of Knowledge”, was performed by Zamir Myrza, Emil Baltagulov, Aiperi Kulbaeva, and Elaman Zhalalov. The event was broadcast live on UTRK-Osh and OshTV channels, with Alina Bazhenova and Rasul Bagyshbaev serving as presenters.
