Round Table “Thoughts About Aitmatov” Held in OshSU

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Round Table “Thoughts About Aitmatov” Held in OshSU


On June 6, 2024, a round table titled “Thoughts about Aitmatov” was convened by Doctor of Philology, Professor, and Chief Director of the Aitmatov Institute of Language and Literature, Academician Abdyldajan Akmataliev. The event saw participation from representatives of the Andijan State Pedagogical Institute of Uzbekistan, higher educational institutions from the Osh and Jalal-Abad regions, and the Faculty of Kyrgyz Philology and Journalism at Osh State University.

During the meeting, several pressing issues in literature were discussed, and the creation of Aitmatov’s encyclopedia were highlighted. The event was organized by the Faculty of Kyrgyz Philology and Journalism.
