Celebration Held for Kadyrberdy Baygaziev’s 70th Anniversary and Book Presentation

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Celebration Held for Kadyrberdy Baygaziev’s 70th Anniversary and Book Presentation


The 70th anniversary of Kadyrberdy Baygaziev, a distinguished educator and associate professor at Osh State University, was celebrated alongside the presentation of his new textbook, “Theory and Technology for Solving Word Problems.” The event was attended by Chingiz Mamadzhakyp uulu, the director of the department of secondary vocational education, along with the faculty staff of Osh State University.

During the celebration, a video highlighting Baygaziev’s life, creative achievements, and pedagogical contributions was shown. Guests praised him for his exemplary life and work, commending his effective teaching methods and his dedication to educating young people. The evening also featured a concert program.

Kadyrberdy Baygaziev has held various roles at Osh State University, including lecturer, rector consultant, dean, and head of department. Throughout his career, he has published over 50 scientific and methodological articles, including more than 10 educational guides and materials. Currently, two of his books are used in public schools and educational institutions under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Science.
