“Den Sooluk” Spartakiad Kicks Off in Issyk-Kul

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“Den Sooluk” Spartakiad Kicks Off in Issyk-Kul


The Den-Sooluk Spartakiad for university teaching staff in Kyrgyzstan commenced on June 25, 2024, at the “Goluboi Issyk-Kul” sanatorium in Cholpon-Ata. The opening ceremony featured Urmat Asanbaev, director of the Zhashtyk Directorate for organizing sports events in Olympic and public sports, along with heads of university sports delegations and competition participants.

Osh State University is represented by teams competing in volleyball, futsal, ordo, toguz korgool, table tennis, and streetball, with a total of 113 participants. The delegation is led by Absamat Sattarov, chairman of the university’s trade union committee. The competition is set to continue until July 1, 2024.
