Competition Winners Honored at OshSU

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Competition Winners Honored at OshSU


On June 26, the final extended meeting of the Methodical Council of the Teaching Quality and Methodical Support Department at Osh State University celebrated the winners of various competitions. The meeting announced the results for the “Modern Lecturer”, ‘”Modern Professor”, “Modern Master of SIW” (student’s independent work), and “Pedagogical Debut” nominations among young teachers.

Lecturers and members of the expert groups involved in the evaluations received letters of appreciation and certificates. Additionally, certificates of honor were awarded to authors of instructional manuals published at OshSU during the 2023-2024 academic year, recognizing the relevance and modern standards of their content.

Certificates were also presented to the chairpersons of the Methodical Council for their significant contributions to enhancing the quality of educational and methodological support within the educational process.
