The Ministry of Education and Science has set the threshold scores for university admissions for the 2024-2025 academic year.
For grant-based education and all forms of paid education under a contract, the threshold for the main test is 110 points, and 60 points for subject tests.
For pedagogical education or law enforcement programs, the threshold for the main test is 120 points for grant quotas and 115 points for all forms of paid education under a contract, with 60 points required for subject tests.
Medical specialties require a threshold of 120 points for grant quotas and 110 points for all forms of paid education under a contract, with subject tests requiring 60 points.
Agricultural sciences programs have a threshold of 100 points for both grant quotas and all forms of paid education under a contract, with 60 points for subject tests.
For individuals with disabilities (groups I and II), children with disabilities, orphans, and children without parental care, the threshold for grant places is 105 points, and 100 points for all forms of paid education under a contract, except for medical and pharmaceutical specialties.
Applicants to the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after E.A. Aliyev must score at least 100 points for distance learning.
Applicants to the Military Institute of the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic named after K. Usenbekov need 100 points for all areas of training.
The first round of university admissions begins on July 15, 2024.
Applicants who meet or exceed these thresholds in the All-Republican testing are eligible to participate in the selection process for university grants and all forms of paid education under a contract.