A cooperation agreement was signed with Voronezh State Medical University

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A cooperation agreement was signed with Voronezh State Medical University


On May 27, An online meeting was held with the rectors of Osh State University and Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N.Burdenko.

An agreement was signed during the meeting on the development of joint educational programs, working trips of teachers, academic mobility among students, guest lectures of famous doctors and teachers, professional development courses, as well as cooperation in scientific, cultural and social spheres.

Under the agreement, a scientific conference on teaching methods were organized between the two universities.Teachers of the International Medicine Faculty of Osh State University made 12 reports, and 8 reports from Voronezh State Medical University were read and discussed. 

Voronezh State University named after N.N.Burdenko is one of the top medical university in Russia. Currently, the university has 6 faculties and 4 educational institutes.


