Webometrics ranking: OshSU is one of the top five universities in Kyrgyzstan

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Webometrics ranking: OshSU is one of the top five universities in Kyrgyzstan


  The website of OshSU  www.oshsu.kg  is among the top five universities in Kyrgyzstan in the Webometrics ranking  of universities in the world.

 The Webometrics University Ranking is a ranking system based on university web presence, visibility and web access. This ranking system measures how strongly a university is present in the web by its own  sub-pages, rich files, scholarly articles etc.

Ranking Web started in 2004 (current is the 18th year of publication) with the aim of offer full coverage of Higher Education Institutons whatever the country or discipline involve. Currently we ranked 31 000 HEIs from more than 200 countries.

