Participation in an international seminar

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Participation in an international seminar


Head of the Department of Postgraduate Studies of Osh State University, Associate Professor G.M. Anarbaeva on September 22-24, 2021 took part and made a presentation "Training of scientific and primary pedagogical personnel in the Kyrgyz Republic: state, problems and prospects (on the example of Osh State University)" at the international seminar of graduate students in Cholpon-Ata, organized by the NAC under the President KR, MES KR, State Agency for Intellectual Property and Innovation under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The seminar was attended by representatives of the scientific sphere, experts, scientists, vice-rectors for scientific work, heads of postgraduate study departments of universities in Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, head of the educational and methodological center of the Russian campaign "Antiplagiat" O.S. Belenkaya, consultant on regional solutions at Clarivate Tikhonkova I.A. (Ukraine), President of the Institute of Scientific Communications Popkova E.G. (Russia, Moscow) and other specialists.

In her report, associate professor Anarbaeva highlighted the activities of the postgraduate department of Osh State University, noted achievements, problems, shared her experience in training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel. The participants discussed a wide range of issues, exchanged views, made proposals and expressed their readiness for active cooperation.
