Study tour for exchange program students

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Study tour for exchange program students


A cultural and aesthetic event "Acquaintance with OshSU - 2021" was held for students who arrived to study in the 1st semester of the new academic year from different universities in Kyrgyzstan. Participants were students from the Academy of Management under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, Issyk-Kul, Talas and  Batken State University. Students visited the OshSU museum, faculties, colleges, educational laboratories, got acquainted with international relations, the automation of the educational process, the implementation of digitalization. They exchanged their impressions with the rector of Osh State University Kudaiberdi Kozhobekov.

The event was held under the leadership of the Deputy Dean for International Relations of the Faculty of MIT Gulmira Shamshieva. "Acquaintance with OshSU" is traditionally organizing twice in a year.
