International Philosophers Competition

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International Philosophers Competition


Osh State University hosted an international competition "The role of science and culture in the spiritual development of modern society", dedicated to the research work of graduate students, undergraduates, students.

Along with universities in Kyrgyzstan, scientists, teachers, graduate students, undergraduates and students from Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan took part in the forum via video communication.

More than 70 works were submitted for consideration by the jury of the competition, the best of which were presented at the plenary session.

Scientific research reflected the issues of the influence of science on education in modern society, the attitude of young people to religion, the processes of globalization on the transformation of culture, relations between generations, etc.

As a result of the competition, by the decision of the jury, the study of the 4th year student of the International Kuwait University in Kyrgyzstan Nurkaly Masalbekov, who was awarded a 2-day trip to St. Petersburg, was recognized as the best work. The competition was organized by the Southern Philosophical Society of Kyrgyzstan.
