80th anniversary of journalist Abdugani Abdugafurov

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80th anniversary of journalist Abdugani Abdugafurov


November 7 - In honor of Information and Press Day, an event devoted to the 80th anniversary of the writer, playwright, satirist, translator, famous journalist Abdugani Abdugofurov.

Participants were representatives of the city hall, famous writers, poets, journalists, representatives of the creative community, public figures, teachers and students. During the party, students presented works, sideshows and anecdotes written by Abdugani Abdugafurov. 

Abdugafurov connected the two peoples, translated the works of Kyrgyz writers and poets into the Uzbek language, which were staged on the stage of Uzbek theaters. He worked as an editor of the regional newspapers "Lenin yuli", "Osh sadosi", - said the head of the department of journalism of OshSU Seil Ergeshova.

The jubilee evening was organized by the Department of Journalism of the Faculty of Kyrgyz Philology and Journalism of Osh State University.


