80th anniversary of Professor Kurmanaly Matikeyev

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80th anniversary of Professor Kurmanaly Matikeyev


On December 7, the department of magistracy and PhD doctoral studies of Osh State University held a scientific and practical conference “Scientific research of young scientists: hypotheses, practical recommendations and developments”, devoted to the 80th anniversary of the Honored Worker, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor Kurmanaly Matikeyev.

The conference participants were scientists from the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, the Eurasian National University named after N. Gumilyov, teachers, undergraduates and students of universities in Osh.

At the plenary session, reports were made by Ph.D., Associate Professor K. Samiev, Ph.D., Associate Professor B. Satybaldiev and Master's student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography E. Akmatov  “Структура городского ландшафта”.

Professor Kurmanaly Matikeev is the author of about 200 scientific papers, 2 monographs, 16 textbooks, 5 popular science books.
