Competition devoted to the 80th anniversary of Ryspay Abdykadyrov

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Competition devoted to the 80th anniversary of Ryspay Abdykadyrov


The competition was organized among students. At the same time, participants competed in performing the composer's songs accompanied by a musical instrument, singing without a phonogram and writing an essay on his work.

Suyuntbek Abdilatipov, a master's student of Arts Faculty , took the first place in the performance of Ryspay Abdykadyrov's songs with a musical instrument, Nurislan Askarbekov, a student of Physics and Technology Faculty  took the first place in the singing without a phonogram, and Gulnur Baktybek kyzy took the first place in essay writing. The winners were awarded cash prizes, diplomas and a collection of poems by Ryspay Abdykadyrov.

In 2001, the Foundation named after  Ryspay Abdykadyrov  was established and in 2020, the Museum was opened at the Industrial and Pedagogical College of Osh State University.
