Comprehensive interdisciplinary state examinations for Master students have started

Main News

Comprehensive interdisciplinary state examinations for Master students have started


Comprehensive interdisciplinary state examinations have started at the Department of Master’s and PhD programs at Osh State University.

On June 13, the TV studio “Umut” paid a visit to the Department of Applied Informatics and Information Security of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology for the interdisciplinary state examination on the master’s program in applied computer science. The Chairman of the Certification Commission is Joomart Mambetov, Associate Professor of Osh Technical University’s Department of Informatics, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, and the members of the commission are all present at the test.

All preparations are made for the state certification, the commission and master students are fully involved.

“The exam is conducted in the traditional manner, with tickets being drawn. Tickets have been approved by the pre-training department. State exams are now being held for master’s students, and for bachelor’s degree graduates will begin on July 15,” stated Ulanbek Sopuev, Dean of the Faculty.

Graduates will defend their dissertations after passing a comprehensive interdisciplinary state examinations.

The university’s information department will keep this story up to date.

