Osh State University signed a cooperation agreement with the University of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart

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Osh State University signed a cooperation agreement with the University of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart


Kurdaiberdi Kojobekov, the rector of Osh State University, welcomed Professor of English Language Teaching Kurshat Jesur from Onsekiz Mart University in Çanakkale, Turkey. The two universities signed a memorandum of cooperation during the conference.


Abdygany Abduvaliev, director of international relations, and Kurshat Jesur also had a meeting. At Osh State University, he demonstrated interest in implementing the "Certificate" language teaching platform, teacher trainings, and student courses. He also met with Rahat Sagyndykova, dean of the Faculty of World Languages and Cultures, in the afternoon to discuss collaboration.

In 1992, Onsekiz Mart University in Çanakkale was opened. Currently, there are 12 vocational schools, 4 institutions, 41 research centers, and 46 faculties and colleges.
