For scientists and researchers, a seminar was organized

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For scientists and researchers, a seminar was organized


Professor Tolkun Urusova and Elmira Ismailova, members of the National Certification Commission under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, led a seminar at Osh State University.

Professor Tolkun Urusova, Head of the Department for Certification of Social, Natural, Mathematical, and Technical Sciences of the National Certification Commission made a report. Regulations governing the process for conferring academic titles, the Dissertation Council, registration of dissertations, and abstract registration are all covered in the report.

Scientists, researchers, and graduate students from Batken State University, Osh State University, Osh Technical University, and Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University attended the seminar. Participants' inquiries about the content, organization, and revisions to the abstract criteria for PhD and doctoral dissertations were answered.

The seminar was organized by the rectors of Zhalalabad State University and Osh State University.
