Well-known journalist and educator Abdygany Khalilov at Osh State University

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Well-known journalist and educator Abdygany Khalilov at Osh State University


The rector of Osh State University Kudaiberdi Kojobekov has welcomed a well-known journalist, educator Abdygany Khalilov, who is at Osh State University as the chairman of the State Attestation Commission in journalism. Honored Worker of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic, Associate Professor of the Department of Periodical Press of the Faculty of Journalism of the Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn, Abdygany Khalilov presented a copy of the first issue of the first printed newspaper of Kyrgyzstan “Erkin Too” published in 1924, to the Department of Journalism of the Faculty of Kyrgyz Philology and Journalism of Osh State University.
