OshSU's scientific journals conduct their activities on the OJS platform

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OshSU's scientific journals conduct their activities on the OJS platform



OshSU's scientific journals conduct their activities on the OJS (Open Journal System) platform. As soon as the scientific journal joins this platform, all of its activities will be conducted electronically. In other words, the entire process from the submission of the paper to its publishing in the journal takes place online. "The existence of an electronic journal website is the first step in adding a scientific journal to databases like Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, Google Scholar, and WorldCat. We are meeting the initial stage of those needs by introducing the Open Journal System (OJS) platform. Additionally, the journal's materials are cited in the Russian Science Citation Index "remarked Ruslan Arapayev, vice-rector for scientific affairs.

The Open Journal System (OJS) platform currently hosts more than 25,000 international journals and more than 450,000 articles.

The academic council of the educational institution decided to divide the scientific periodical "Herald of OshSU" into ten sections based on topics. Scientific journals will be published under the following names beginning with the academic year 2022-2023:

1. Herald of Osh State University. Mathematics. Physics. Technique. (Responsible editor: professor A.S. Sopuev)

2. Herald of Osh State University. Economy. (Responsible editor: professor Kulueva Ch.R.)

3. Herald of Osh State University. Chemistry. Biology. Geography. (Responsible editor: MD, professor A.U. Nizamiev)

4. Herald of Osh State University. Philosophy. Sociology. Political science. (Responsible editor:  professor E.K. Sharipova)

5. Herald of Osh State University. Pedagogy. Psychology. (Responsible editor:  A.O. Keldibekova)

6. Herald of Osh State University. Philology. (Responsible editor: professor K.Z. Zulpukarov)

7. Herald of Osh State University. Medicine. (Responsible editor: MD, professor B.Z. Osumbekov)

8. Herald of Osh State University. Law. (Responsible editor: Professor Kuldusheva G.K)

9. Herald of Osh State University. History. (Responsible editor: associate professor Arstanov S A)

10. Herald of Osh State University. Agriculture: agronomy, veterinary medicine and zootechnics. (Responsible editor:  professor Abdurasulov A.K.)

The decision's justification was given as an increase in the scientific journal's impact factor and future inclusion in global scientific databases. As of right now, the journals have been registered with the Ministry of Justice, and certificates have been obtained.

To stay up to speed with new issues of scholarly journals, we cordially encourage you to register on the portal at www.journal.oshsu.kg. The SUBSCRIBE button is located at the top of the magazine's home page. You can sign up to receive the magazine's content by email for each new edition.
