Independent rating: OshSU is 1st in the general rating

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Independent rating: OshSU is 1st in the general rating


On the grounds of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after Ishaq Razzakov in Bishkek, a ceremony of awarding certificates based on the outcomes of the independent ranking of institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2022 was held on July 15, 2022. The meeting was attended by Osh State University Rector Kudaiberdi Kojobekov.

OshSU came in first in the overall general rating of the program “Demand rating of universities of the Kyrgyz Republic – 2022” run by the “Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating” (NAAR). OshSU received a certificate as well as a figurine.

In the rating, OshSU’s 26 bachelor’s degree programs came in 1st, and 7 programs came in 2nd. At the same time, 28 master’s degree programs won the top spot.

The “Academic mobility” index, which measures the progress of internationalization of education in the nation’s higher education institutions, likewise gave first position to OshSU.

The TOP-50 ranking of the teaching staff at universities in Kyrgyzstan in the area of publishing activity was also made public as part of the monitoring of the independent evaluation of universities in the Kyrgyz Republic through 2022. Osh State University won the top spot in the evaluation indicated. There are 400 teaching staff members in the TOP-50, 148 of whom work at OshSU.

The “Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating” and the Ministry of Education and Science coordinated the event.
