USUE on a working visit to OshSU

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USUE on a working visit to OshSU


   Rector of the Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin from Yekaterinburg visited Osh State University.

   He met with the rector of Osh State University Kudaiberdi Kozhobekov. The parties discussed issues of cooperation and exchanged views on further plans for joint work. The meeting was attended by the Director of the International Relations Office  A. Abduvaliev, Dean of Business and Management Department of Osh State University.

   The meeting participants discussed the issues of updating the previously signed memorandum due to its expiration. The new document provides for the development of academic mobility of teachers and students, the implementation of double diplomas, joint educational and research projects.

   The signing of a bilateral agreement on cooperation between Osh State University and USUE will take place on June 8-10, 2022 in Yekaterinburg as part of the IX Russian-Kyrgyz Interregional Conference.
