There was an intellectual competition in the field of pedagogy

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There was an intellectual competition in the field of pedagogy



The Department of Pedagogy of Osh State University's Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Physical Education hosted an intellectual competition in the domain of pedagogy called "Akyl Ordo."

Teams from the Faculty of Oriental Studies and History "Innovator," the Faculty of Kyrgyz Philology and Journalism "Innovation," and the Faculty of World Languages and Culture "Creative" competed in the competition.

The teams were asked to introduce themselves before answering questions about educational theory and teaching technologies. They wrote an essay on human values in the third task, and they presented a play about pedagogical settings in the fourth. As a result, information about Kyrgyz scientists and lecturers was sent to the group leaders. The teams who answered all of the test questions correctly and performed the tasks at the highest level received a total of 30 points in this competition. Module II was waived for teams that scored 30 points in the current and distance tests. The organizers presented diplomas to the tournament winners.

"The major goal of the intellectual competition, according to Akyl Ordo, is to help students improve their creative abilities during the learning process. The purpose of this event was to do current and distance testing. Each semester, such intellectual competitions are held on a regular basis. It is gained through a variety of novel kinds of interactive approaches "Associate Professor Gulmira Zhutanova, the head of the Department of Pedagogy, stated.


